Tuesday, January 27, 2009

quickie but goodie

we are in our new house! we got our stuff yesterday! we are cleaning and unpacking (not necessarily in that order) and having so much fun doing it! we have so much space! and we are in so much pain! feet, knees, legs, back, pinched nerves, swollen legs and feet...ouch! my degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis are trying to ruin my happiness! kenny's hurting pretty bad too. between the packup, the cleaning of the old house, the living in the hotel, the move here (thankfully only 2.5 hrs), the cleaning, the unpacking...every single day for a week can really wear a person down. we r in bed early and try to get up early to get some work done before the kids get up. i simply dread getting out of bed, not b/c i don't wanna work, but b/c the pain is so bad in my feet, knees, legs and back that i don't wanna put the weight on them. it'll take us a bit longer than we wanted to to get the house unpacked b/c of our physical limitations, but we will get it done. i have to say God has been good to us. He has provided for us even before we knew we needed provisions.
i ttok pix of the naked house after the old guy's stuff was out and before they delivered ours. i will get them up as soon as i can. once we get settled i will take more pix ad post those too. be patient, they're coming:)


terry said...

I'm waiting for some pics!!!!

Dani said...

woo hoo enjoy your house!