Monday, July 17, 2006

dee plane, dee plane!

so while we are out on the pontoon boat, one of the neighbors fires up his water plane and decides to take it out for a spin. i've never seen one up close and i've never watched one take off. it was pretty neat. he had to get clearance form ft drum to fly. as soon as he cleared the trees he would have been on their radar and he would have been in trouble. i guess i should feel safe knowing that they monitor closely even that far away from drum. the plane landed a few hours later. we were still there but i didn't have my camera handy. it was such a beautiful day though. we had a very good time.


Dani said...

sounds like a whole lot of fun

terry said...

I can hardly wait til i come to visit! But I guess it'll be too cold for the baby to come swimming with me. Darn.